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This site has packaging labels to help clear up recycling confusion.

They also have a fantastic blog about a variety of recycling topics.



You can enter your zip code and search for specific items to find out how and where to

recycle them in your area. Find information about curbside recycling as well other hard-to-recycle items. I’ve learned how to recycle paint cans, lightbulbs, electronics, and household cleaning supplies, to name a few.






Paper Karma  

This app is a game changer if you are trying to reduce junk mail.



I use this app regularly to choose safer products for my family and the planet.


Amazon Packaging TBD

This is a great visual with clear directions on recycling Amazon and

Whole Foods delivery packaging.







Terracycle creates solutions for hard-to-recycle items that enter traditional recycling streams.    Some of these programs are free. Terracycle is also rolling out a new pilot program called LOOP, which will allow consumers to buy everyday items in reusable containers that can be returned to stores to be cleaned and reused.



This site has a compost service directory if you are looking for a pick-up service in your area.


Carbon Calculator

This carbon calculator helps provide a general estimate of your carbon footprint.

It’s relatively detailed and takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The best part is you can play around to see how much of an impact a few changes in your lifestyle might make.






Break Free from Plastics

This group has some fantastic toolkits and downloadable infographics.

These are helpful if you are trying to “get the word out” on plastics.






There is no Planet B

This book is excellent if you are beginning to learn about environmental issues.

Think of it as the cliff notes to a wide variety of eco topics.






An Inconvenient Truth

This movie was a wake-up call for many people when it came out in 2006,

making it one of the most successful documentaries of all time. I recently rewatched it

with my oldest child (age 13), and it was even more compelling now. This was also the

first time I felt my kid really “got it.”


Dark Waters

This movie tells the story of Dupont, a Virginia community, and the landmark lawsuit

that brought the dangers of unregulated PFAS into focus. It’s a compelling movie--

I only wish it wasn’t true. 


The Story of Plastics

This documentary is not just about how much plastic is out there, but also how inequitable

it is to put the burden of disposing of all our plastic waste on impoverished people who

often are not high plastic consumers. 


The Plastic Tide

This series from NPR covers a wide range of topics related to plastics.

The episode Plastics: What’s Recyclable and What Becomes Trash is a

great place to start.






57th Street Design

This company makes beautiful furniture and has a “design circulation” program.

Customers can buy restored pieces for less than a new piece. They will also sell

back their furniture at any point for store credit for future purchases. We like them

so much and have many pieces from them.


WasteNot Compost

Our go-to curbside composting service. They make composting so easy and clean.



These are knowledgeable folks who know the ins and outs of recycling in Northern Cook County. They also have an amazing library of printable brochures, handouts, and guides. 

You don't have to change your whole life to change the planet.

You too can go greenish! Here are some of my favorite resources, articles, and tools to get you started. Come back regularly as I update the list.

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